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Wedding Ceremony Planning What to do

My Part

  • ALL legal paperwork and marriage registration
  • Help and assist with any questions you may have
  • Create the Ceremony of your dreams
  • Co-ordinate all elements of the Ceremony according to your wishes
  • Provide an amazing P.A. System with wireless microphone and Bluetooth audio
  • Dress according to your theme and the professionalism of my role
  • Keep everything on track

Your Part

I’d love to know as much about you as you care to share!​ Please feel free to complete the Your History form.

Before the marriage takes place, it is necessary to provide me with:

  • Birth certificates: These must be an original Births Deaths and Marriages certified copy, NOT a photocopy  or a JP certified copy.  If you were born overseas and your birth certificate is impossible to obtain, you may provide a foreign passport or, as a last resort, complete a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration.
  • Photo ID: Driver’s License, Passport or Over 18 card
  • Evidence that any prior marriages are terminated: This may be a divorce certificate, death certificate or annulment certificate (Court ordered, not religious).  It may be necessary to provide a document trail of your name changes if you have been previously married, i.e. birth certificate, original marriage certificate and death or divorce certificate.
  • Change of Name Certificate: If you have changed your name via Deed Poll or through Births Deaths and Marriages, please provide your ‘Change of Name Certificate’.

If any of the above documents are not in English, a NAATI certified translation is required along with the original document.

Let's chat! To discuss your special event, please contact Vivienne today.

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