0421 311 264

Gold Coast Funerals & Memorials

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day”

Funerals and Memorials from a compassionate heart. Compassion for a family that has lost a precious member, and a strong belief that everyone’s life deserves to be acknowledged and celebrated in a manner that suits their approach to life itself, drives me to create a heartfelt and personal Ceremony.

With understanding, respect, care and personal experience, I will honour your wishes and arrange a Ceremony that truly reflects your loved one.

Funeral & Memorial Celebrant

$ 650


  • Unlimited appointments and contact to talk about your Ceremony
  • Preparation of your Ceremony according to your wishes
  • Printed copy of your Ceremony in a folder to keep
  • Well respected Celebrant, professionally dressed to suit the occasion
  • Use of a high quality P.A. system with Bluetooth and wireless mic if needed
  • Up to 40kms return travel from Gemvale Rd, Mudgeeraba 4213 is included. (extra kms start at $50)

Let's chat! To discuss your special event, please contact Vivienne today.

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